Sunday, February 16, 2014

Porn On The Brain

So... I promised I would go into depth on how the addiction cycle goes when it comes to porn. Here it is, as promised!

When a person does anything that feels good, that gives them sang pleasure (including eating), the brain builds a passageway linking the feeling of pleasure to that action.

When a person views pornography, extreme levels of the chemical dopamine are released. Dopamine is often referred to as the "pleasure chemical", as it is what creates the feeling of pleasure in the body (specifically the brain). These levels are way too high. The first time , the brain will just enjoy it and say "thank you". However, after a few times, the brain starts to rewire itself into thinking the high amount of dopamine is completely normal, which it isn't.

Now, while you think all you're doing is viewing something, that is quite wrong! While you're viewing porn, not only is a high amount of dopamine being released, but, as explained in the first paragraph, your brain is actually building a passageway linking pleasure to porn, which, in the future, will remind you to do it again. And that voice inside you saying "don't do it, don't do it" is getting smaller and smaller because this link is getting larger and larger. So not only is your brain hooked on the high amount of dopamine, but now it's hard to quit because there's hardly any voice inside you telling you you shouldn't do it.

Your brain now not only desires this feeling, it requires it. In fact, this process is the EXACT process that's going on in your brain if you're on meth. Both porn and meth act on the brain IN THE SAME WAY.

I guess that's all for now.

God Can Heal You

Are you at the end of your road? Have you hit a dead end? That's where the healing begins. Once you know and admit to God you're not going anywhere, the healing begins.

Things like pornography, drug use, alcohol, etc don't satisfy. They never did, and they never will. All they do is mess up your body. They trick your body into thinking that high amount of a chemical is completely normal.

Porn won't get you anywhere. In fact, it will drag you down. And if you let it, it will drag you so far down you will think you're hopeless. And if you're there right now, know this:

"You're never so far away I can't reach you." -God

If Jesus conquered the grave, don't you think He can take card of you? Don't you think He has the ability to bring you back so you can feel God again?

Nothing is impossible for God. And if you're at the end of your road and you know it, God is surely working in you right now. God is working in you, and He will never stop. He wants a closer relationship with you.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Give It To God.

Worried about something? Have something to hide? Here's a suggestion: just give it to God.

It may seem hard to do, but worry releases pressure, and prayer releases peace.

God created the universe. He knows the amount of hairs on your head. He already knows your sins, so come to Him ready to ask for His forgiveness. It doesn't matter what you've done of who you used to be. When you come to Christ, you are not defined by your past mistakes. Jesus Christ is the definition of you.

So don't hold back anything, just give all your worry to God. He's the perfect counselor. He is the ONLY perfect counselor, in fact. Talk to Him as if you were talking to a good friend.

Remember, worry releases pressure, but prayer releases peace.

Until the Whole World Hears,

"If your eyes are on the storm, you wonder if I love you still, but if your eyes are on the cross, you know I always have and I always will."

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Stand For YourBeliefs!

So... I'm on Instagram, seeing a lot of pictures of people who are standing for their beliefs. As Christians, we believe the Bible, right? Let me put it this way: the Bible can't be taken as a buffet. You can't pick and choose what you want to believe from the Bible as you would at a buffet. It's all or nothing.

The Bible DOES INDEED say multiple times that marriage should be the way God intended it: between a man and a woman. And it is clear Jesus loved everybody when He was on Earth in human form. But He never said He supports gay marriage, and He never would if His first coming took place in this time period. He would, however, still love everybody just the same. And that's what we're commanded to do: to love one another. The Bible never says to love the way people choose to live their lives.

Now, don't get me wrong. I know I'm probably going to get a lot of hate comments. I'm not disabling them for this post. I want to see what people have to say.

I'm not a hater. I'm standing for my beliefs. Understand, if you do call me a hater, name calling and discriminating is exactly what you don't want done to you.

As Christians, we should stand for our beliefs, and those should be built on the Bible. The Bible tells us many times the world will always be against us. That's never gonna change. But we can share the gospel with others. We have been commanded to speak the truth. When we do speak truth, we show the world we truly love. The world has to understand, we're speaking the truth because we love them. And part of the truth is that gay marriage is, in fact, a sin. That's not opinion. It's fact, because it's found in the Bible in Genesis.

I've got a challenge for you: speak the truth this week! Stand for your beliefs!